How to Handle Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty, A Synergistic Guide

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – In the realm of League of Legends, Yumi Sin and her feline companion Kitty form an exceptional duo. This guide delves into the intricate mechanics, synergistic combos, and advanced techniques that will empower players to master this dynamic partnership and achieve victory on the Rift.

Yumi Sin’s abilities, including her ultimate “Final Breath,” grant her exceptional mobility and damage output. Kitty, on the other hand, provides invaluable support through her “Blessing of the Moon” and protective shield.


In the realm of League of Legends, Yumi and Kitty form a peculiar duo with unique abilities and playstyles that set them apart from the other champions. Yumi, the Magical Cat, is a support champion who attaches herself to her allies, enhancing their abilities and providing protection.

Kitty, her companion, is a spirit cat that deals damage and heals allies.

Yumi’s playstyle revolves around attaching herself to her allies, granting them bonus attack speed, movement speed, and adaptive force. Her ultimate, Final Chapter, allows her to attach herself to an ally indefinitely, gaining access to a potent damage-dealing and healing ability.

Kitty’s Abilities

Kitty’s abilities are crucial in providing damage and healing. Her passive, Bop ‘n’ Block, allows her to deal damage to nearby enemies while blocking a portion of incoming damage. Her Q ability, Prowling Projectile, launches a missile that damages enemies and heals allies.

Her W ability, You and Me!, summons a spirit that heals allies and damages enemies.

Understanding Yumi Sin’s Mechanics

Yumi Sin, a proficient fighter in League of Legends, wields a unique set of abilities that distinguish her from other champions. Her skills revolve around a symbiotic relationship with her feline companion, Navori, who aids her in both offense and defense.


Yumi’s abilities include:

  • Prowling Projectile: Yumi shoots a piercing arrow that damages the first enemy hit and heals herself.
  • Zoomies: Yumi and Navori gain a burst of movement speed, allowing them to swiftly dodge enemy attacks.
  • Attach: Yumi attaches to an allied champion, becoming untargetable and gaining bonus attack speed. She can also cast Prowling Projectile while attached.
  • Final Breath: Yumi and Navori unleash a powerful energy beam that damages enemies in a line. This ability is Yumi’s ultimate and can significantly turn the tide of battles.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Yumi excels as a ranged support champion due to her ability to attach to allies, providing them with sustained damage and healing. Her ultimate, Final Breath, has exceptional range and can deal significant burst damage. Additionally, her mobility with Zoomies makes it challenging for enemies to pin her down.However,

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Yumi’s weaknesses lie in her fragility and dependency on her host. She has low base health and armor, making her vulnerable to enemy assassins and divers. Moreover, once attached to an ally, Yumi becomes immobile, making it essential for her to choose her host wisely.

Identifying Kitty’s Abilities

Kitty, a mystical familiar summoned by Yumi Sin, serves as an invaluable support companion in battle. Her abilities empower Yumi Sin and grant her an edge in combat.Kitty’s primary role is to enhance Yumi Sin’s damage output and sustain. Her passive ability, “Blessing of the Moon,” grants Yumi Sin bonus attack damage and lifesteal based on Kitty’s attack damage.

This synergy allows Yumi Sin to deal significant damage while maintaining her health.

Blessing of the Moon

Kitty’s passive ability, “Blessing of the Moon,” is a potent source of damage enhancement for Yumi Sin. The ability grants her:

  • Bonus attack damage based on Kitty’s attack damage
  • Lifesteal based on Kitty’s attack damage

This bonus damage and lifesteal significantly increase Yumi Sin’s damage output and survivability in combat.

Developing a Synergistic Combo

Unleashing the true potential of Yumi Sin and Kitty requires a mastery of combining their abilities to execute devastating combos. These combos maximize damage output, control enemy positioning, and create openings for decisive strikes.

Yumi Sin’s Dash and Kitty’s Pounce, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

One effective combo involves Yumi Sin’s dash and Kitty’s pounce. Yumi Sin’s dash allows her to close the gap on an enemy, while Kitty’s pounce can stun the target, setting them up for a follow-up attack. By timing the dash and pounce correctly, Yumi Sin can quickly engage, stun the enemy, and unleash a flurry of attacks.

Yumi Sin’s Knockback and Kitty’s Ultimate

Another potent combo utilizes Yumi Sin’s knockback and Kitty’s ultimate ability. Yumi Sin’s knockback can force enemies away from her, while Kitty’s ultimate can create a large area of damage over time. By knocking back an enemy into Kitty’s ultimate, Yumi Sin can deal significant damage and slow the target’s movement, making it easier to secure a kill.

Positioning and Movement Strategies: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

Positioning Yumi Sin and Kitty effectively is crucial for maximizing their potential in combat. Yumi Sin, with her long-range projectiles, excels at maintaining distance and poking enemies from afar. Kitty, on the other hand, is more suited for close-range engagements and can quickly close the gap with her movement abilities.


Yumi Sin should always try to stay at a safe distance from her opponents, using her projectiles to harass them from afar. She should avoid getting too close, as she is vulnerable to melee attacks. Kitty, on the other hand, should position herself near Yumi Sin, ready to engage when the opportunity arises.

She can use her [Stealth] ability to get close to enemies unnoticed and burst them down with her high damage output.


Both Yumi Sin and Kitty have excellent movement abilities that allow them to reposition themselves quickly. Yumi Sin’s [Dash] ability grants her a short burst of speed, which she can use to dodge enemy attacks or reposition herself for a better shot.

Kitty’s [Blink] ability allows her to teleport a short distance, which she can use to engage enemies or escape danger.

Utilizing Kitty’s Shield

Kitty’s shield is a powerful tool that can be used to protect Yumi Sin from incoming attacks. The shield can be activated by pressing the “S” key, and it will last for a short duration. While the shield is active, Yumi Sin will be immune to all damage.

This can be extremely useful for getting out of sticky situations or for setting up combos.

The timing and positioning of Kitty’s shield is crucial. The shield should be activated just before an attack is about to hit Yumi Sin. If the shield is activated too early, it will be wasted. If the shield is activated too late, Yumi Sin will be hit by the attack.


The positioning of Kitty’s shield is also important. The shield can be placed in front of Yumi Sin to block incoming attacks, or it can be placed behind Yumi Sin to protect her from attacks that are coming from behind.


  • Use Kitty’s shield to protect Yumi Sin from high-damage attacks.
  • Use Kitty’s shield to get out of sticky situations.
  • Use Kitty’s shield to set up combos.
  • Time and position Kitty’s shield carefully.

Countering Enemy Engagements

Yumi and Kitty can effectively counter enemy engage attempts by utilizing Kitty’s abilities and positioning strategies. Their combined strengths allow them to disengage from unfavorable situations and maintain control of the battlefield.

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When facing enemy engagements, it is crucial to assess the situation and identify the best course of action. Kitty’s abilities, such as “Pounce” and “Shield,” can provide valuable tools for disengaging.

Positioning and Kitty’s Abilities

Proper positioning is essential for successful disengagements. Yumi should position herself at a safe distance from the enemy while ensuring Kitty is close enough to provide support. Kitty’s “Pounce” ability allows her to quickly leap towards an ally, providing an escape route for Yumi.

Additionally, Kitty’s “Shield” ability grants a temporary shield to an ally, absorbing incoming damage and providing valuable protection during disengagements.

Advanced Techniques

Yumi Sin and Kitty’s dynamic synergy extends beyond basic combos, allowing for advanced techniques that elevate their combat prowess.

One such technique involves using Kitty as a scout or initiator. Kitty’s swift movement and stealthy nature make her ideal for reconnaissance missions, providing valuable information about enemy positions and weaknesses.

Initiating Fights with Kitty

By sending Kitty ahead, Yumi can gather intel on enemy formations and engage them at the opportune moment. This element of surprise can often lead to successful ganks or team fights.

However, employing this tactic requires careful timing and coordination. Kitty’s stealth can be broken if she takes damage, revealing her position and potentially alerting the enemy to Yumi’s intentions.

Item Builds and Runes

Optimizing Yumi Sin and Kitty’s performance requires careful consideration of item builds and rune setups. These choices significantly impact their abilities and playstyles, enhancing their strengths and mitigating their weaknesses.

Yumi Sin, as the primary damage dealer, benefits from items that enhance his attack speed, critical strike chance, and on-hit effects. Core items include Kraken Slayer, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Infinity Edge, which provide a potent combination of sustained damage and burst potential.

Additionally, Bloodthirster grants lifesteal to sustain in extended fights, while Phantom Dancer boosts attack speed and provides a shield against critical strikes.

Kitty, on the other hand, excels with items that increase her shield strength and utility. Locket of the Iron Solari and Mikael’s Crucible provide team-wide shields and protection against crowd control, respectively. Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water enhance her heals and empower her allies’ attacks, making her an indispensable support.

For more local information, visit the Miami Dade Mecconline website. The website provides information on local events, clubs, and resources for reptile and exotic animal enthusiasts.

Additionally, Redemption provides an AoE heal and shield, further bolstering her team’s survivability.


For Yumi Sin, the Precision tree is a primary choice, offering Lethal Tempo for increased attack speed, Triumph for sustain, Legend: Alacrity for further attack speed, and Coup de Grace for enhanced damage against low-health targets. The secondary tree options include Domination for Sudden Impact and Ravenous Hunter, or Sorcery for Transcendence and Gathering Storm.

Kitty’s primary tree is Resolve, featuring Guardian for shielding allies, Font of Life for healing, Bone Plating for early-game protection, and Revitalize for increased healing and shielding. The secondary tree options include Inspiration for Perfect Timing and Cosmic Insight, or Sorcery for Summon Aery and Manaflow Band.

Role in Team Compositions

Yumi Sin and Kitty excel in team compositions that prioritize sustained damage and crowd control. Their synergy with other champions allows them to amplify their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses.

Champion Synergies

  • Engagers:Champions like Amumu, Jarvan IV, or Malphite can initiate team fights, allowing Yumi Sin to follow up with crowd control and damage.
  • Peelers:Supports like Janna, Lulu, or Thresh can protect Yumi Sin and Kitty from enemy threats, ensuring they can continue dealing damage and supporting their team.
  • Hypercarries:Champions like Vayne, Jinx, or Kai’Sa benefit from Yumi Sin’s ability to enhance their damage and mobility, enabling them to carry the team in late-game scenarios.

Example Scenarios

Yumi Sin and Kitty shine in various in-game situations, showcasing their synergistic strengths and tactical prowess.

One common scenario is during laning phase, where Yumi Sin can harass opponents with Piercing Darts while Kitty provides protection with Courage. This combination effectively zones enemies and creates opportunities for last-hitting and securing objectives.

Team Fights

In team fights, Yumi Sin’s ultimate, Final Chapter, allows Kitty to become a formidable frontline tank, absorbing damage and initiating engagements. Yumi Sin can then follow up with her other abilities, dealing significant damage to multiple enemies.


Yumi Sin and Kitty excel at ganking, utilizing Kitty’s dash and shield to engage and escape swiftly. Yumi Sin’s Piercing Darts and Final Chapter provide additional damage and crowd control, ensuring successful ganks and objective control.

Final Conclusion

By mastering the art of combining Yumi Sin’s aggressive playstyle with Kitty’s supportive abilities, players can unleash a formidable force upon their opponents. This guide equips you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to dominate the battlefield as this extraordinary duo.

FAQ Explained

What are Yumi Sin’s strengths?

Yumi Sin excels in mobility, damage output, and crowd control.

How does Kitty’s shield protect Yumi Sin?

Kitty’s shield absorbs damage directed at Yumi Sin, making her more durable during engagements.

What is the most effective combo between Yumi Sin and Kitty?

The “Cataclysmic Combo” involves Yumi Sin using her “Final Breath” to engage, followed by Kitty’s “Blessing of the Moon” to empower her attack speed and damage.

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About the Author: Jason